Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rice Is Nice.

Day 2! I did it! Can you tell I'm taking advantage of my slowed down schedule?

I'm a huge fan of spinach. I think it's delicious and not nearly utilized enough. My mom made a dish that introduced me to spinach and we've been close friends ever since. This is something similar to that dish.

The Original Inspiration:

My Finished Product:

Things To Note:
Maybe it's because I'm a Minnesota gal but I love a good casserole. Throwing things in a pan and then throwing everything into the oven? I can manage that. 

- I made this dish twice in the same week. I wish I could say it was because it was so good that I just couldn't get enough. It all actuality, it was because I screwed it up the first time. I was entertaining some friends, the drinks were flowing, and I wasn't paying very close attention to the recipe. Oops. I had also never made minute-rice before but that was a whole separate issue. Luckily, if you end up covering anything in enough Sriracha -- it will taste pretty damn good. It also helps if you have a good buzz on and it's the first thing you've eaten all day.

- I've decided I'm not a huge brown rice fan. I know its purpose in this recipe was to make the dish slightly more healthy. I think it gives the dish less flavor. Experiment with both and see what you prefer!

Overall Impression:
It was fine but not as good as mom's recipe. I'll be making hers the next time I get a spinach craving -- and with white rice, dang it!

Have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow, everyone! I won't be posting but I will be cooking! I'll be back by Thursday and hopefully with many successes to report. Can't wait for our Holiday Feast!

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