Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rice Is Nice.

Day 2! I did it! Can you tell I'm taking advantage of my slowed down schedule?

I'm a huge fan of spinach. I think it's delicious and not nearly utilized enough. My mom made a dish that introduced me to spinach and we've been close friends ever since. This is something similar to that dish.

The Original Inspiration:

My Finished Product:

Things To Note:
Maybe it's because I'm a Minnesota gal but I love a good casserole. Throwing things in a pan and then throwing everything into the oven? I can manage that. 

- I made this dish twice in the same week. I wish I could say it was because it was so good that I just couldn't get enough. It all actuality, it was because I screwed it up the first time. I was entertaining some friends, the drinks were flowing, and I wasn't paying very close attention to the recipe. Oops. I had also never made minute-rice before but that was a whole separate issue. Luckily, if you end up covering anything in enough Sriracha -- it will taste pretty damn good. It also helps if you have a good buzz on and it's the first thing you've eaten all day.

- I've decided I'm not a huge brown rice fan. I know its purpose in this recipe was to make the dish slightly more healthy. I think it gives the dish less flavor. Experiment with both and see what you prefer!

Overall Impression:
It was fine but not as good as mom's recipe. I'll be making hers the next time I get a spinach craving -- and with white rice, dang it!

Have a wonderful Christmas tomorrow, everyone! I won't be posting but I will be cooking! I'll be back by Thursday and hopefully with many successes to report. Can't wait for our Holiday Feast!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Tis The Season for More Soup!

Wow! Time has really flown. The show I was in in October/November has wrapped, I moved, and my newest show has just started up! It was a busy last couple of months -- so I apologize for my unplanned absence. Now that the Holidays are here, I have a bit more time to post!

I admit I have some catching up to do. I've continued to cook when I've had the free-time and I've been taking photos. Now I've got to get going on the blogs to go with everything! It's only appropriate that for my first post back that it be another soup blog.

It was one of the first nights at my new place where I made my favorite tomato soup recipe. I wanted to make a big batch of something yummy that I could have lots of leftovers to take with me to work. I was also trying to impress my new roommates to let them know they have a bomb-ass chef in their presence and that they should show some respect. I think it worked.

The Original Inspiration:

My Finished Product:

Things To Note:
-I have made this recipe once before when I had some lady friends over for dinner. I went all out and made the "grilled cheese croutons" to boot! I would have made them again but I tragically left my panini press at my old apartment. Someday we'll be reunited and then I will make this dish again -- full out.

-I made that bread in the picture in my bread-maker. It was my first time using it that night and I have used it several times since. So awesome. Get yourself one quick and enjoy fresh bread on the daily.

Overall Impression:
I love this soup. It's so hearty and insanely flavorful. It's also extremely simple to throw together. It also makes a LOT of soup. I ate well for a week.

That was that. A quick little recap-post. I hope to have another for you tomorrow -- so stay tuned!