Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Soup -- The Second Coming

I did it, guys. I had decided earlier this week that I would stick to my plan and cook this weekend -- so I looked over the recipes I'd like to try, I chose two different dishes that I thought would compliment each other well, I shopped, and I actually made them. I'm so pleased with myself for finding the time since my schedule hasn't gotten any less busy. I'm currently in the process of moving and I'm still sick after three weeks but I wanted some time to relax, zone out, and enjoy a yummy meal. Mission accomplished.

The first dish I made that I'd like to share with you was this bad boy. Yes. It's soup. AGAIN. Have I mentioned I've been sick? Nothing tastes better than soup when you're feeling yucky. Also, the weather has really cooled down around here. I just like to feel full and warm. Get off my back!

Original Inspiration:

My Finished Product:

Things To Note:
-I used navy beans instead of white beans. I don't think it made much of a difference in taste but it seems apparent when I compare these two photos. I also think I might have mashed my beans up more than I needed to.

-I always substitute fresh herbs for dried herbs. I'm lazy like that. I don't really taste a difference but do what you like! I hate when things go to waste, so for me it's handier to use the jarred herbs and know that I'm not spending money on something that will go bad before I have the opportunity to use it again.

-My mom makes a white bean soup with ham around Christmas time that reminded me of this recipe. In fact, after trying this recipe out I've been inspired to follow that tradition around the holidays and plan on substituting the bacon in this recipe for ham. I have also decided that it would compliment this dish nicely to serve up a piping hot bowl with a side of a big, fat slice of sweet potato cornbread. That's for next time!

Overall Impression:
Loved it! Loved that it wasn't as labor intensive as the last soup. Though to be fair -- I didn't make a double batch of this kind and that probably cut the prep time down by a LOT. It tasted just as good the next day when I finished off the leftovers.  Can't wait to make it again with ham!

Tomorrow I'll have another post for you. Reuben Wraps! Get excited!

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