Tuesday, October 22, 2013

An Ode to Huevos Rancheros

Is there anything better than a big brunch after a run on a chilly Sunday afternoon? I truly cannot think of anything as satisfying. I'm a sucker for brunch as breakfast foods are my favorite! I have a few local places in town where I like to get my Pesto Eggs Benedict fix or my Maple-Flavored Biscuits and Gravy fill but these occasional splurges can be rather spendy. I like to have some trusty inexpensive recipes to fall back on and to be able to whip up at home when my budget is pretty tight.

This would be one of those recipes. I have made this recipe a few times now just adding this or trying something new. It's an extremely simple classic and you should try it, like, NOW.

Original Inspiration:

My Finished Product:

Things To Note:
- I do a couple of different things with this recipe. The first turn I take is with the beans. I have a food processor I have never used. I like the idea of it but it always seems like such a hassle. If I can ways around using it, I do. That's what I've done with this. Instead of using black beans, which I'm sure are amazing, I use a can of refried beans. I just add the same spices to that and it's quick and just as fulfilling. Try it both ways and let me know which way you prefer! Maybe you'll inspire me to bust out that food processor at long last. For now, I'll stick with the lazy route.

- The second thing I switch up is the corn tortillas. I used the tortillas the first time I made this dish and I wasn't wowed by them. A few months ago, my mom and I took a crazy road-trip to Bayfield and made a detour to The Delta Diner. If you're ever in that area -- GO. Seriously, it's not even a suggestion. It's a command! It's blow-your-mind good! While there, we had the Pedro's Mex Benny. It's kind of a Mexican play on the traditional eggs benedict. The eggs are covered with a bean sauce and served over the top of a piece of cornbread. The flavors of that dish reminded me a lot of this recipe and also gave me a brilliant idea! This last time, I prepared everything the same except I served it over the top of a dish full of baked Chi-Chi's Sweet Corn Cake Mix. See that yellow stuff pictured above? Yeah, buddy. DELICIOUS.

- So my bowl layering went as follows: sweet corn cake, seasoned refried beans, cheese, eggs, sour cream, and salsa.

Overall Impression
This recipe is a game changer. It's quick to make and so full of flavor. I love it. You'll love it. Trust.

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